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MotionInfo Blog

Industry insights, updates, and expert analysis on AIS and ADS-B technology for maritime, aviation and conservation sectors.

75 Endangered North Atlantic Right Whales Spotted Off Maine Coast

The Significance of the SightingNorth Atlantic Right Whales are among the most endangered marine...

Understanding FAA Critical Aircraft: Insights for Airport Operations Managers

Critical Aircraft in Airport Design  The FAA defines Critical Aircraft as the most demanding...

FAA Critical Aircraft: A Summary of Advisory Circular AC 150/5000-17

What is a Critical Aircraft?  According to the FAA, the Critical Aircraft is the most demanding...

News4JAX Joins MotionInfo's Efforts to Protect North Atlantic Right Whales

This groundbreaking initiative uses Automatic Identification System (AIS) technology to alert...

How AIS Helps with Historic Data Analysis for Accident Investigations

AIS technology continuously broadcasts information about a vessel’s position, speed, heading, and...

Understanding Virtual Buoy Technology and Its Benefits

Virtual buoy technology uses the Automatic Identification System (AIS) to broadcast the location...

The Evolution of AIS and ADS-B Technology and Its Impact on Modern Aviation and Maritime Operations

AIS was originally developed in the late 1990s as a means to improve maritime safety and prevent...

Protecting the North Atlantic Right Whale: How StationKeeper Mitigates Vessel Strikes and Entanglement

The North Atlantic Right Whale, one of the world's most endangered marine mammals, faces...

Optimizing Airport Operations with ADS-B: Accuracy on the Ground and in the Air

Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) technology has transformed how airports and...